It's a while since I've posted -- because nothing much is happening.
Last scan was not really reassuring. Next scan is not for a few weeks. So, meanwhile, I'm fine :-)
Okay, I have an underlying gloom. Deb says, correctly, that I stress easily.
Physically -- what can be seen -- is okay.
Only okay -- but that's because I'm never very fit. I still run -- but even more slowly. But I "want" to run, so that's good. None of that "can't be bothered" feeling.
I've been getting some "projects" done. Things that take time, may never be useful but I want to get them done. This involves staying up till 3am because I work best at night. It gives me an excuse for being tired during the day.
"My app" is one of these projects. Documenting it for developers. I still have no expectations that they can code it but not for want of *me* trying :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
... Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved
===If you're not a part of the solution, then you're part of the vast majority. (Alfred E. Neuman)
Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)
That's the way keep on keeping on. You set an example for me.