Saturday, January 21, 2023

Apple scam sinks app

My app works!
Limited features, may not be pretty, maybe only its creator loves it :-)

But it works. So it's time to ask other people to test it.
It's already possible to share the app with a limited number of friendly users of iThings. Not easy, but possible.
But the best idea is to get the app to the appstore and the playstore... let a wide range of people look at it. Get opinions: is it as interesting to others as it is to me?
So. We try to load the app to apple appstore.

You need a privacy policy, they say. So I provide one. Done.
Except... now you need a support site. Bare bones explanation of what this should involve. Judging by what they accept, their standards are very low. But it's done.

But now... we need a video of the app in action.
And we need access to all the app features, they demand. That one's confusing but easy: use the app and you have access to all features. Idiots.
But step by step, they demand more.

The app needs a delete-user-account option, they demand. And that will need coding. That is, paid-for development.
What else will they demand? There is no end in sight. How long can they string me along.

Do you recognise the approach?
It's used by scammers: offer a small reward, ask for a small "investment". Then ask for a little bit more... and a little bit more.
Always the promise of a future carrot... it just needs a little bit more time or money or effort.
The scam continues. Sucking more and more... until the sucker is sucked dry.
Then move on to the next app-developing sucker.

This, so far, is the Apple scam. Increasing levels of effort. With lots of promise but no result.
I have not even started with the android store.

I pull the pin.

Everything up to now is a "sunk cost": Gone, perhaps wasted. Not to be considered in future decisions.

Can I get a believable next step. One with a definite *end* point. One with a guaranteed actual result, A step that comes with a defined cost. With an up-front list of *all* that is required. Then I can decide whether or not to continue.
Till then, the app is dead. Yes there are still things to try. I'm trying to get a definite plan.
So as Aragorn says, "An end to hope but not to toil".
I'm pleased with the app-so-far.
I'm totally pissed-off with apple.

Anyone want a good app, quite interesting, barely used?

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Don't blame you. All the work you have put it. Its good that you are not giving up on to the app. Your fighting spirit remains.
