Friday, June 9, 2023

another good birthday


I used to be quite casual about flu vaccination. Now with young grandchildren and a strict daughter... I'm a regular pincushion.
Deb and I go to the doc for this year's flu jab.
Be brave, the doc tells me. I grimace, stare at the ceiling and mutter, I hope I get a sweetie for this.
The doc leaves us with the nurse. As she leaves the doc tells the nurse, Give him a lolly.
Really? asks the nurse.
Oh yes please, I say.

The nurse jabs. Then gives me *two*jellybeans:-)

I don't really mind injections. But I do like the doctor, she understands me.

My arm has a bit of an ache from the jab. So does Deb's arm. It's okay, we're brave:-)

Today is my birthday. Various people email birthday wishes:-)
Deb and I go to Floreat Kiosk for birthday brunch. It's our favourite cafe. On the edge of the beach. Today we have a fine view of the rain. Which reminds me...

I make some comment to Deb about our holiday. No, she corrects me, there were some problems.
Oh yes.
I think about it and remember me complaining. And other holidays, I can remember days when we walked in pouring rain and a howling gale. But.
If you ask me about any holiday, all I remember is the sun shining. flowers blooming. birds singing, in the trees. Until I remember specific days...
In my memory every holiday is, once past, an excellent holiday. Though I may, with effort, remember some days which were less than perfect.
So, no use asking me how it went, it was always excellent :-)

Late afternoon and I have barely budged from the couch.
The sun is shining...I grab my white stick and head off around the lake.
What is white and sticky:-?

All the way round, I am happily humming the Hey Duggee Stick Song. I love it. Interesting...I have already forgotten the words.

Having accepted that distance is best measured by the time it takes to get there... I moved 90 minutes. Slowly. Feel better for having moved at all. All it takes is, doing,*something*
Better yet, our hot water is fixed. I come home to a hwarm shower. A shower. At last.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

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