Thursday, October 19, 2023

catching up

As far as I can tell, tech problems have lost two earlier posts. So, briefly:
Sunday. We drive to Harvey for lunch. Then on to Balingup for a few days at Balingup Forest Heights or something like that. As we arrive my first thought is, Wow this is beautiful. We stay for three peaceful nights. Enjoying every day.

We visit to the Golden Valley Tree Farm where we find and admire our sponsored tree, a silver mallet, E. recta. Brilliant :-)
We walk 4km near Greenbushes. Through wetlands with lots of flowers, all reclaimed tin mine.

We drive to Nannup, a very pleasant place, then on to Margaret River. Stopping for scones and an icecream on the way.
In MR we're in a cottage on a vinyard. Dinner at a crowded pizza place in town. All very nice. It reinforces my view that I would not stay in MR by choice. It's all very nice and classy and I'm not.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Talk is cheap — but say the wrong thing to your boss and it'll cost you. (adapted from Alfred E. Neuman)

Dying for you to read my blog :-)

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