Wednesday, September 15, 2021

which hospital

I seem to have visited -- and formed opinions on -- too many hospitals. Here are a few... memories and opinions.

SCGH ED, ICU, a bed in a corridor, the PET scan service:
All excellent. Caring staff, all extremely competent.

The Mount Hospital:
It's a fancy hotel. On a quick visit I quickly decided that I would not trust them to provide "hospital" services.

St Annes:
Old style. It feels like a real hospital. I was there for surgery and immediately felt that their hospital services could be trusted.

St John of God Subiaco.
The staff are all very caring. On my first stay I decided that nurses were hired to a budget. Knowledge and competence was matched to job requirements. One nurse, for example, was hired for her special skill of staying awake through a night shift.
On my latest stay the nurses -- all staff -- were terrific. The rooms -- ICU and ward -- were cold. It's winter. They may as well have left all the windows open.

The building is designed as on office block. I love the ice-block idea -- but there is no thermostat in the room.

It's interesting: I stress over surgery but can accept it. I have a lot of faith in the surgeon. My latest brain drain in in SJoG has left me with an actual fear of having to go there again.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


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1 comment:

  1. I have been in all but the Mount. Found the staff at Charlie's the most attentive but all very professional. Some go the extra yards which is always nice.
