Monday, September 27, 2021

wisdom of the aged

Go back a few days...

I'm lying in bed. Relaxed. Just thinking...
My thinking reaches a conclusion... and I give myself a stern talking-to.

The thinking starts with a comment from my older brother:
Most of my problems seem to be old age. He's older than me. So, older... Perhaps he knows something :-?

He's absolutely right!

What problems do I have as a result of cancer? Loss of peripheral vision. That's all.

Sure, my eyesight is failing. But... in the 80% where I can see anything -- my eyesight is good... for my age :-)

I'm unfit... but why? Because I've stopped doing anything.
Sure, activity is interrupted by the occasional hospital visit.
Then I use "recovery" as an excuse to do... nothing.

Blood in the brain? Could happen to anyone... of my age... with a brain shrunken by age.
Must I slow down? No!
Carry on with life as normal, says the surgeon... and that's while I still have blood and fluid on the brain.
By the next scan, the blood and fluid may have been absorbed... or not... deal with that after the scan. For now... live life as normal.

The thinking ends. I give myself a stern talking-to: Snap out of it! you drongo! If you're not fit... get fit.
Enjoy life... as the shirt says... three months at a time.

Next day, I "run" round the lake. Through a thunderstorm. Cold. wet. exhausting... and so very enjoyable.

Time to get back to doing... something. Anything.

I don't want to have to give myself another stern talking-to.
... It's so... embarrassing.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. A self stern talking to is ok. It's when you need one and dont that it's an issue
