Tuesday, October 26, 2021

no news is ... ?

No news is... good enough :-)

I'm CT scanned. There's always a doctor looks at the scan then tells me... nothing much :-) I think they are just making sure that the scan is nicely in focus.

Today, the doctor says... nothing much. So I go home. And so far -- no sudden call to go to hospital :-)

So There is no real news.
Which is good!
I'll see the surgeon later this week, he has the final word on CTs. If he's happy then I'm happy !
Meanwhile... I'm happy enough :-)

Then: I will have a PET scan in late November. Then meet the oncologist. Then -- if all goes well :-) -- back to the regular cycle of PET & MRI scans.

Aside: The surgeon has had several direct looks at my brain.
Setting up the last drain, he also took some tissue samples. I expect that the samples will show cancer cells... no surprise. But he has not mentioned seeing a fresh tumour So that's something to be glad about :-)

I hope for *no* surprises when we see him, later this week.

Meanwhile: feeling good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

for the greater good ... against the corrupt metastasis of oligarchic power that stomps on humanity's neck everywhere


Dying for you to read my blog, at https://notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com/ :-)

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