Saturday, October 16, 2021

un-flooded brain?

Last time the surgeon poked round inside my brain, he found a possibly-leaking capillary. This could explain why the blood on the brain came back.

The surgeon sealed that capillary. Perhaps that will prevent another quick flood. I won't know till another CT scan, in the next week.

Meanwhile... I worry.
When I say "I"... Deb also worries. Possibly more than I worry :-(
My coping strategies are sometimes effective but erratic. Deb copes but is worried all the time.

While waiting on the scan... What are the signs of blood on the brain? Continuous headaches which do not go away, the surgeon tells us. So, of course, ever since then, I have a continuous headache.
Bah ! humbug!
btw: on a scale of one to ten, my headaches are a piddly little 1.5. Very minor.

I visit the GP. First, so she can confirm that my latest wound is healing nicely. It is. Then we have a general discussion on signs that a brain is floating in blood.

The GP is -- always -- terrific. Worried for me (and for Deb), sympathetic, knowledgeable, helpful. Just talking with her makes me feel more optimistic :-)

The oncologist and the surgeon are experts, Willing to answer and explain. When I talk with them my main thought is, Good news or bad? Followed by, Will there be more treatment?
Then I want to leave -- as quickly as possible.

The GP runs through possible signs that my brain is re-flooded.
None of them apply!
eg, Do I have any nausea? No, not a twinge.
I can't remember what other symptoms she mentioned... Just that none of them apply ... woohoo :-)

So why would I have hadaches?!

Dehydration? Possible. Cold weather? Yes, cold weather does give me a headache. I constantly feel cold.

Doing a lot of reading? Likely... especially since my reading glasses are from a two-year-old prescription.
Also, suggests the GP: my eyes and brain are working extra hard to work around the loss of vision to the left. This could cause a headache.

So I am reassured. Though the CT scan is still the important test.
I am reassured. And taking actions to counter all of those possible non-flooding causes of a headache.

Good enough :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

Question authority. Don't expect to like the answer." ... per Ginger Meggs


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