Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Come on -- smile :-)

A friend suggests that I need something inspiringly cheerful to brighten my day... He's right, too :-)
Not that I lack good cheer... but I do have to balance good cheer against my standard grumpy-old-mannishness... There's a lot of good stuff which I fail to mention because... "this blog is about cancer:-(" Well, bah! humbug! to that :-)

Today Deb and I pick up our grandson from school and take him to a swimming lesson.
Halfway to the school and Deb remembers -- we forgot to bring an after-school snack! How can we face the boy without a peanut butter sandwich?

We take a slight detour... to his parent's house... they are not home... luckily we have a key. Deb makes a sandwich... and we continue on to the school, with sandwich. Phew!

After the half-hour lesson, the boy plays in the pool. We watch him...

He moves so fast! We pace round the pool, spot him... lose him... look again. He spends a lot of time under water, even harder to spot.
I join him in the pool, we play for a minute... then he's off again. Running, swimming, playing, having fun :-)
He enjoys himself, we enjoy watching him enjoy himself. And I have a bonus: Watching the mothers. In various styles of bathers :-)

On Sunday we are up at 4am... for a trail run.
The run is at Langford Park near Jarrahdale. The park is an old bauxite mine, so there are no big hills... not since the mining.

It's a beautiful day for a run in the bush. The bush is also beautiful:-)

As we start, I worry that Deb will trip and fall, she doesn't. Deb worries that I will get lost, I don't.
Deb comes first in her category... first out of one.
In my category I am second... out of two. The secret of our success? We keep on turning up :-)

Meanwhile, I entertain myself by trying to get a firm to write my app. Perhaps... it will be third time lucky :-)

Yes, there's lots to complain about. There's even more that makes me smile :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The human mind is our fundamental resource" ... John F Kennedy


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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