Thursday, February 17, 2022

scan done

It's the sort of day when you want to run early -- before it gets too hot. Which works well, I have to be ready for a mid-morning scan.

The nurse? technician? takes me to the scan zone.
I tell her, I tend to faint, I'll let you know if I feel groggy.

No worries, she says. I lie down. Hold out my arm.
I'll just look, she says, and wham! the cannula is inserted!
Sure, it hurt a bit, it always does but that's no worry. It's not pain that worries me... Today I have no time to worry :-)

Next stage, I lie down and the "bed" rolls me into the scanner. Less than half an hour and it's all done.

I like the MRI (except for the need for a cannula). Having an MRI scan is like sleeping in a metal-workers' shop. Roaring, thumping, beeping... With an MRI -- you really know that something is happening :-)

 And that's it.
No results yet, that will be next week. And yet... I already feel better. Stupid, really. But the scan is done, nothing will change, I don't know the results but... now the results -- whatever they are -- are fixed. I can feel the relief. Strange... but true :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"The human mind is our fundamental resource" ... John F Kennedy


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. Yes it's weird how completing the scan makes you feel better. It's the same for me. I am sure you will be fine.
