Monday, May 2, 2022

all systems normal

Well, I'm back to my normal state. Can't deny the misery lurking below the surface... but what the heck, it's nothing to worry about :-)

One day I'm annoyed because I can't just go out and drive somewhere... but I can just go out and run. So I do. In the rain. And I enjoy it :-)

I still expect that the latest developers will fail to code my app. (I do learn from experience:-( But I'll give them as much clear info as possible. It's actually a lot quicker to write code than to describe what the code should do. But I've reached the limits of my coding ability. So I write descriptions for a coder.
I know exactly what the code must do.

It's tedious but the main problem is that... I just can't be bothered. I spend a lot of time feeling tired. And finding things that -- in the short term -- I would rather be doing. Such as reading a book. I'd be more enthusiastic if the developers had responded sensibly to an earlier email. It makes me believe that I'm wasting my time.

Enough complaining :-)

Today we are orienteering. Deb navigates, I follow. We chat to other orienteers. Have a picnic in the bush. A very pleasant outing.
Hmmm... I'm miserable about the things that I can't -- or don't -- do. But what I can and do do -- I enjoy. There's misery below the surface. But the surface... is very good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Gone to lunch. If not back by 5, Gone to dinner." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's good mate. Keep doing the things you can and enjoy
