A while back I mentioned "my app" to Deb. It was a bad time. Deb was not interested. She did not want to know what it did. She saw it as a hobby to keep me busy, nothing more. This depressed me. Since then the thought of that same response has made me miserable. So I have not mentioned the app to Deb. Just pretended it did not exist.
Today I bite the bullet. I tell Deb that the app is looking good. Not great but good. Still only working as a test version for Apple. But working.
This time Deb listens. Says she wants to (or is willing to) test the app. She even listens to my brief description of what I'm now doing with it (setting up some tests for anyone to try... when the app is generally available, which should be in January.
Now I feel a lot better :-)
There's still work to be done... now I have a reason to do it :-)
Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
... Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved
==="Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs
Dying for you to read my blog, at https://notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com/ :-)
Well done. Your perseverance has paid off.