We're just back from seeing the cancer doc. I'll put that in a separate post.
I've updated the current status page in this blog:
as at 18th July 2024:
I'm well... well enough :-)
The cancer is still in there... waiting. Waiting almost eight years so far, it's a bit embarrassing.
The cancer is still in there... waiting. Waiting almost eight years so far, it's a bit embarrassing.
Physical:The MRIs show a shadow on my brain. Growing but slowly. The experts believe that it is a tumour. Necrosis is possible but less likely. Both are serious health threats.There's nothing to be done until I start showing symptoms. Meanwhile: wait and worry.When there are symptoms, we consider surgery and/or a new drug. Still delaying tactics not a cure.I have limited vision to my left. It's the missing bit of brain that is the problem. That will never be fixed. I still run -- slowly but regularly. Overall... I think I'm doing okay... for my age :-)
Mental:Again... okay for my age :-)I read, write, complain about the state of the world.I do have problems -- most of which are because it can be difficult to see things. I see okay but miss whatever is on the left. The start of words, for example. It's hard for me to quickly look at and understand something.But I think -- I hope -- that most of the mental problems are related to vision.
Emotional:Right now, I'm feeling fine.Yet there is an underlying feeling of... mild panic, concern, fear.But here and now -- very happy.Keeping busy. Reading, writing.I can't claim to be feeling positive.Nor am I feeling negative.I'm making plans but only short-term (months).
Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
I'm nobody's fool. Care to adopt me?
..Dying for you to Read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com
Keep on planning