Monday, July 22, 2024

what is it?

Specialists are debating my diagnosis.
The MRI scan analysts favour a tumour. Deb heard it as the cancer doc favouring a necrosis diagnosis, I didn't notice that. True diagnosis will only come if my head is opened, no-one favours that.

What I did hear is that the cancer doc sees necrosis as a "better" problem. I disagree, strongly.
I see necrosis as an ever-growing death of brain. Once it's dead -- it's dead. If necrosis is removed -- that bit of brain is gone forever.
A tumour, I see as a lump of cancerous cells growing to crush the "good" brain.
The doc says that the brain itself can deal with necrosis (I'm not sure how). To me: remove a tumour -- and the "good" brain is still there.
Either way -- the new beelzebub drug may slow it down. Not cure, not stop, not prevent recurrence. And no matter what -- the original cancer is still classed as incurable and terminal. Oh well:-( But so far it has been less aggressive than advertised. So there:-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

I'm nobody's fool. Care to adopt me?

..Dying for you to Read my blog:

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