Tuesday, September 10, 2024


monday: last day in balingup, we relax.
breakfast at our cottage. morning tea at the mushroom cafe, lunch at the packing shed. both are on the highway, shed seems a bit set back, the trucks are loud. cafe seems closer, trucks feel very close. but both are comfy with nice food.

we go the the flora reserve at the old racecourse. a bit early for flowers, there are only a few. a pretty little yellow mushroom as big as a fingernail.
a pleasant walk but... a lot of mozzies.

we go to golden valley tree park. another pleasant walk, with only a few mozzies... the weather is cool and damp.
we follow the blue trail, less than a km. about half way -- we see "our" tree. a silver mallet, eucalyptus recta.
deb thinks it's dead, certainly the scrawny branches look poorly. i scratch at the bark and that seems okay, alive and fresh.
it's not a magnificent tree but we like it :-)

we meet the Highview owner. the place is also an animal rescue place. with sheep, kangaroos, emus, a mini horse, a couple of llamas (or whatever). Plus some overactive dogs and various poultry.

back at our cottage, we relax. till we go out to dinner at the shamrock hotel in greenbushes. it's hamburger night. but we have fish and chips. not the best, the fish is overcooked. still, it's food and a nice pub.
and that's it, drive home, to relax some more.

Now it's tuesday morning. soon we pack up and drive home

on this old tablet i can type and send posts, they are held till there is wifi and internet. i think this will be the third post waiting to go. its a good system, i can type when i like, no need for internet. just a delay till it is actually sent and posted.

now time to move, then pack...

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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