Saturday, September 7, 2024

rogaine day one

saturday, the first day of the rogaine. it's an Aus champs, we're entered because, why not :-?
there are ten teams in our category XUV. Just us from WA I think, the other mixed ultra vets have all slowed down. okay, we have too but at least we entered. so today is day one. starting at noon.
thr rogaine is a 25 minute drive from our accommodation. okay, we get lost on the way but arrive in plenty of time. we chat with perhaps ten rogainers that we have known for all of our rogaining (and orienteering) life.
it's like a reunion in an old people's home :-)

Deb plans a 4 hour 12km course. it's brilliant, though it ends up at 16km and four and a half hours. we're exhausted.

we grab cheesies from the hash house and drive off. there's no phone signal so google maps fails. we have a Hema which does not need internet, it's rubbish and, as usual fails.
So we get a bit lost driving out but get here soon enough.
I like to unwind with a book, deb is in bed asleep, i remember this blog and will soon be asleep. I'm tired but not too sleepy.
Tomorrow we will be at the rogaine again. for just a short stroll. before it ends at noon.
So now... to bed.

Oh, do i hear rain,? probably not.  it's been fine but cool all day, perfect for a rogaine.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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