Sunday, September 8, 2024

rogaine day two

today I manage to download "offline" maps, so we can use GMaps to navigate. We don't need it to get to the event, just getting home after.
We start walking about 9:30. Already tired from yesterday :-) Tired but not slowed down.

Deb plans a great route, using controls that are convenient but we didn't get yesterday. We end up doing maybe 7.5km. Mostly on tracks but some cross-country. Deb is faster than me, much faster on tracks and I have some trouble in bush. Slow, cautious but okay. I scrape my left shin a couple of times but it's Deb who falls over :-( just once.

Yesterday I was tired and grumpy.mToday I'm less tired and not at all grumpy. I do my best :-)

We finish our course with plenty of time. Eat lunch at the hash house then we leave. Just before noon, we don't wait to find who won. probably not us:-)

GMaps leads us home via Thompson Brook Road, a quiet, narrow road winding through mostly farms. Very pretty, very pleasant.

We stop at the Balingup Store to buy some supplies and forget others :-) Then home to our cottage for dinner of sandwiches.

It's convenient to reverse the truck into our parking area, it's nerve-wracking (racking?) Deb reverses, close to bushes on one side. I try to guide, to warn Deb away from the bushes -- but I have trouble judging the distances! Ah well, it works:-)

A relaxing evening.
The rogaine is over. Deb plans for tomorrow, eat, drink, visit a few local attractions.

I find that my packing was rather poor, done in a hurry, carelessly. Both rogaine days I wore exactly the same, despite a lot of effort and sweat. I do find a clean shirt for the evening. I've been wearing the same thermal day and night, rogaine and all, since we left home. Lucky it's wool, just shake it out once a day and it's good.

We plan for a relaxing day tomorrow.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Happiness is wanting what you already have

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