Friday, April 21, 2023

one dream of many

I often wake up and think, that was an interesting, or funny, or peculiar dream.
then the memory fades and all i remember is that it was interesting or...
i do remember one dream from last night.

I'm at a work related party. strange enough so far.
i notice that one young woman is sitting on a chair with only three legs. the chair, not the woman.

i pick up the missing leg. i should talk to the woman, i think, offer to reattach the leg to the chair.
instead, i give the chair leg to another man, he takes the leg to the woman.
you'll be sorry, says a nearby voice, when those two come to the next works picnic with seventeen children.
i wake up.

a peculiar dream. but... here's the good news: it's a sign that i am feeling cheerful.
eh?! yes. because it's a "dirty" dream. yep!

my dirty dreams have become pretty tame. in these dreams there is always a woman. barely any action beyond her presence. sometimes I'll wake with a vague but impractical section. more often i will wake with the happy feeling that i could almost have an serection.

the thing is, i have these dreams... only when my waking mood is positive. cheerful.
so a dirty dream is a sign of a positive mood.
and, of course. no matter how little actually happens in the dream... it is always pleasant. even if it makes no sense :-)

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

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