Tuesday, May 21, 2024

fun run -- walk

on Sunday i join the mob of fun-runners. why?!
because a son and his two kids have entered.
we register, i make the expected donation, the two adults wait with all the enthusiasm of people waiting for an outbreak of the plague.
son guides us all by bus to the start. to the hellish noise and packed crowds of the 4km walk start.
we are still waiting at the start when son receives a message that a friend has already finished the 12km.
Eventually we start walking and it is almost fun.
8yo walks well, no worries. 4yo desn't complain but does most of the walk on her dad's shoulders.
dad ie my son keeps checking that i am still there. i suspect that Deb has given him strict orders to not let grandad get lost.
4km is a surprisingly long way -- and i have no child to carry.
at the end the kids get hot dogs. which are eaten in no time flat. the boy appears to be in the growth spurt that occurs between zero and teen.

I'm dragged along by the young mob and finish 67th of 70 in my age category.
a brilliant effort all round. remind me to never do it again :-)

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood

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