Thursday, May 16, 2024

latest scan -- no real change

Today we see the cancer doc.
I don't know what to do with you, she says.
That's good :-)

My latest scan shows... the thing (okay, let's call it a tumour) has grown -- but only a little.
If it's 3cm across, it's grown 3mm -- in one direction. So, overall -- not much growth. (Nothing to feed on, perhaps). Growth is bad but it's so little that this result is actually good news. Certainly better than I expected.
Great relief all round :-)

The benefit of having terminal cancer -- it's good news if I'm not getting worse :-)

The doc has checked with the radiation specialist and with the surgeon.
Yes, he's happy to do more radiation. It's the patient with radiation necrosis who is reluctant to try more radiation.
The surgeon is not keen to remove necrosis -- it may be necrosis not tumour. I thought that either (necrosis or tumour) must be removed But no...
The brain may stop necrosis all by itself. Plus there is a drug which may stop the necrosis. Both of those are "may".
There is no definite action to take, that's what disturbs the doc.
As long as I have no symptoms, there is no *need* to do anything.
So it's back to watch-and-wait. I'm not exactly happy but, for now, hugely relieved.
Another scan in a couple of months.

It's another four years till I give the doc a new record for patient survival. I'll try...

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Bandaid solutions hurt when they are removed.

...Dying for you to Read my blog:

1 comment:

  1. You will give the doc a new record I am sure.
