Sunday, June 2, 2024

dryandra orienteering

it's a weekend of orienteering at dryandra.
a three day long weekend, we registered for two days.
"we"? deb registered for an E (easy) course on two days, Sun and Mon. deb leads, I follow, it's good fun. today, sun, is a 2.5km course, we take 5km, just a bit of navigational challenge.

there's a chill wind all weekend and a lot of rain --10-percent-of-their-brains
... no, i don't understand that brain reference but I typed "lot of rain" "and Google put up its suggested correction.
it's cold and pouring rain all weekend --though no rain when we were on our course :-)
And we are staying in a warm, dry cottage, very nice.
we're staying in a cottage on Hotham Ridge Winery. about two hour's drive from home, we drove here on Saturday.
we're ten minutes drive from Wandering Tavern, we had lunch there today.
dryandra, for orienteering, is a 30 minute drive. we could have camped at the O site --ha! we listen to the rain and enjoy our cottage.
we refuel the truck at wandering. self-service pump, a new learning experience... we mastered it, only took a few tries.
I have to remember to be sympathetic to deb, she is half way to getting a tooth implant :-( poor deb. for now she has a preference for soft food.

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood

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