Friday, June 28, 2024

the rainbow god

This post has nothing to do with anything relevant, it's just an incident stuck in my mind.
1. while I'm running I'm also thinking
2. I like to think of solutions to other people's problems, whether they ask or not.

So I'm running round the lake, I pass a hairy bloke talking on his phone.
Well, I guess he has a phone somewhere under all his hair and beard.
He seems to be discussing development of a video game.
To his phone he says , I could use a five-colour Rainbow God to lead the army of angels... but, he continues, I don't know of any rainbow gods.

A bit later, too late to tell him, I think of one possibility:
Lokee, the enbee sibling of Loki. They are both tricksters, ie trouble-makers.
Lokee once poured very slippery oil all over the Rainbow Bridge. As punishment, the other gods of Valhalla created permanent rainbow streaks across Lokee's hair. Next week, Lokee coated the Rainbow Bridge with quick-set super-adhesive contact glue.

Hmm... None of my stories need a rainbow god. So if anyone out there wants to use Lokee, just ask me about licensing :-)

Now back to the real world...

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

I'm nobody's fool. Care to adopt me?

..Dying for you to Read my blog:

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