Thursday, May 25, 2023

technot genius

I manage the taps and have a shower. Okay, Deb sets it up for me. All I have to do is turn one tap, the on off, one of three.I manage :-)

My credit card stops working. At its limit, I reason.
I finally find the bank app on my phone! Deb expects me to throw the phone across the room but, I manage to transfer money and get my card working again. clever eh?

I download an area of maps to my phone. It still will not find our hotel. no connection, it says. but I have roaming?!
Look, my phone is in airplane mode...
I remember switching that off. but... it's a tap on tap off switch. I probably just tapped it... on.

Now I can navigate. And use the bank app. Not just with the hotel wifi.

We spend some time deciding where to go over the next few days. Why on earth did I book so many nights here? Really, I lost it when planning this holiday.
Oh well. There's plenty to see and do. And... no rush to do it :-)
And it's a nice hotel.


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.

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