Thursday, April 30, 2020

still alive -- and kicking!

Right now I'm well. Very well. With a few items to get off my chest.

This blog is for me. Rather than worry about things, I write them, post them... forget them. It works very well :-)

The blog is also for other people, people who know me. How am I today? No need to ask, it's all in the blog. There are some people who don't tell anyone that they have terminal cancer. That -- in my opinion -- is not very nice. How's Nick? you ask, I haven't seen him round for a few months. Oh, he's dead, didn't you hear?

I prefer to share. To let people know what's happening -- if they want to know. To avoid the need for secretive whispers, Have you heard...?

Oh, there may also be total strangers, people I will never meet. My blog may interest them. If they have their own terminal cancer it may help to know how someone else deals with it... and what may be involved.

But back to the start: this blog is for me. So I may stretch the content. Cover other topics that interest me. Things that I really would like to get off my chest... Especially when nothing cancerous is happening. Nothing visible, anyway :-)

And I would start an off-topic topic right now...

Except that the battery of my tablet is at 1...
... %

Well, I typed 1 -- and the battery died. So, enough for tonight. Except to misquote a book that I recently read. To misquote... between scans... while I may worry but am feeling fine...

Only one thing is harder than me to kill, and that's the fungus in my crotch.
