Friday, July 30, 2021

map-reading challenge

Back to last Sunday...
We go orienteering. Deb walks with me to the start -- just as well. I'm completely lost. Well Not quite "lost" but confused.
At the start I ask Deb -- and others -- which way I should start. I still can't make sense of it.

Orienteering involves looking at a map, looking at reality, matching the two... repeat while moving.

Each time that I change where I'm looking -- I see something different. Different bits of the map -- and of reality -- are "invisible". It makes it hard to match map to reality.

I need to spend time staring, thinking. I don't... so I am confused.

The person at the start offers to walk me to my first control. Very nice of her :-)  but by now I have given up. I walk back to the truck.

It's funny: I walk back through a large and complex carpark. I've been there before, it's familiar. Also, as we walk to the start I look for landmarks. I have no trouble finding the truck... not needing to follow a map.

I can find my way round -- if I'm careful. I have a lot more trouble following a map.

We'll be orienteering again this weekend. Deb is already worried.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

doing my bit

Everyone else in the family is immunised against covid. And now ... I'm-- half immunised.

The "family GP" now does covid. Deb makes the appointment for me. I get the jab, and chat with the doc.

She's a good doctor. A good listener. After the chat I feel cheerful.

Next day I tell Deb all about my immunisation reaction... nothing at all :-) Except for sleeping even more than usual.

So: tired, otherwise fine.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

Monday, July 26, 2021

attitudinal readjustment

I really think that I need to adjust my attitude.

I do a lot of planning for the future -- but try to not let the future affect the present.
Especially, If I can not affect the future, I don't worry about it.
The present is for living. The future may -- or may not -- happen.

It's sort of "mindfulness". It's the way I am... the way I have been since before mindfulness became fashionable.

It keeps me happy -- in blissful ignorance -- most of the time.
But not always.

I still get annoyed. Angry... bad-tempered.

Worst of all: no matter what *my* attitude -- Deb still worries.
So: not good enough.

Only trouble is... I'm not sure what attitude -- by me -- would stop Deb from worrying.
That's something to think about.

Perhaps something simple? Wear  a big red nose? Yeeessss :-)

Meanwhile: A friend of Deb's told Deb that anaesthetic hangs round in the tissues for a very long time. Hence my all-the-time tiredness. (Which -- I think -- is gradually improving.)

I can't guarantee the anaesthetic idea.
But Deb likes it.
So, that's good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Need to step ... right !

Today it's raining so... we go orienteering :-)

Deb does a hard course and finishes before the rain starts. I do a "very easy" and take longer. The only worry about that is: the rain starts while I'm still out there. Oh well... A damp, cold... very enjoyable day :-)

My navigation is hopeless. But I take it slowly -- very slowly -- and successfully finish. Mind you, the course is designed for kids under 10yo :-)

I also have time to work out why I'm so unstable while walking in the bush:

When I step over a rock or stump... if I put my left foot forward... it disappears. That is -- the foot moves into the unseen area where I used to have left-peripheral vision. Oh, and the ground where I am about to place my foot... also disappears.

So... thinking about it: it should be better if I step over obstacles with my *right* foot. Less chance of not seeing where I'm about to step. I'll practise that for the next event.

I enjoy the event -- and I finish my course (eventually) all by myself. And that's something to be glad about :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Nothing has happened. Really :-)

For the last few weeks, nothing has happened. That is: nothing that is not good, or trivial or irrelevant or just too embarrassing.

Last post I think I was dizzy and my legs were wobbly. I did tell Deb that it was nothing to worry about. Deb worries anyway. Which is very nice but... a worry:-( So I sort myself out.

The dizziness is inner ear. I've had it before. I sort it out by shaking -- and banging -- my head (stirring up the inner ear) and by not sitting all day staring at a screen. Dizziness fixed.

The wobbly legs are similar: a result of sitting all day... not using my muscles. A bit of actual movement... occasional standing up... even walking... and the legs are fine. Still weak... because, well, I really do need to do some exercise.

I spend a lot of time wrapped in blankets. It's too cold to get up and leave the house.

I've always suffered from SAD -- Seasonal Affective Disorder: when it's cold I just want to sit still and try to get warm. Unless, of course, Deb drags me out of the house... then I'm fine :-)

So... all fixed, all fine. Even Deb seems to be satisfied. Phew :-)

Over the last few years, my bladder had become undependable. I think I've finished peeing. Start to put everything away. And... drip... drip... a few drops on the floor, or in my undies.

One day I'm walking home. It's cold. I need to pee. It can wait till I get home... Wrong :-( My bladder does its own thing, relieves the pressure, lets out a small dribble of urine. Sooo... add incontinence to my embarrassing complaints.

It has not happened again. It's still a worry. How badly will I embarrass myself... next time?

For a few days I am nervous, reluctant to leave the house. Very grumpy. Till I think... This is something that old men do. If it's a real -- regular -- problem, there are absorbent things to wear. I can drink less. Be more careful.

Now, it's still embarrassing. But it no longer annoys me... much.

Just... do not stand between me an the nearest toilet :-)

Last state election, I was a candidate for the Legalise Cannabis party. The party voted two candidates (not me) into parliament -- an excellent effort! I went to the party AGM... (No, don't worry, this is not a story of an embarrassing party piss-up (rofl).

After the AGM... I'm in Northbridge -- the nightclub area of the city -- with poor eyesight -- after dark. Quite an experience.

A bit unnerving. I identify a few familiar buildings. Get a sense of where I am. Cross the road... carefully. Call an uber... identify it... get home okay. No worries... somewhat stressful. A good experience. I feel better about going to strange places.

Deb has me look at the "Vision Australia" website. They have all sorts of support for people with bad eyesight. The thing I really want... is a guide dog:-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

Saturday, July 3, 2021

only Deb is worried

Well that's interesting...

I'm walking and -- my legs feel all wobbly. Very strange.

So I take the time to let Deb panic. I think about it. Decide that it is nothing serious. Not sure if Deb is fully convinced... Sorry, Deb :-(

It's my inner ear, the body's normal balance mechanism:

I've spent the afternoon reading. My head doesn't move. Crystals settle amongst hairs... when I move, the crystals are stuck. Balance depends on crystals moving against hairs. This isn't working -- so I feel unbalanced.

But why are my legs wobbly? I concentrate on exactly what I'm feeling...

My auto-balance is not working. My legs want to move, to keep me standing straight. But the legs have no information -- nothing from the inner ear -- on the correct way to move. So the muscles twitch a bit... wondering which way to move. ie feel wobbly.

I tell Deb that it's okay. I've had this before. It used to be after hours of staring at a WoW screen. Today it's after hours staring at -- reading from -- my tablet.

Now I've done the head banging head-shaking standard fix. Now I'll test: back soon -- I hope :-)

Okay, all good :-)

Years ago I had to cut back on my WoW time.

But I'm blowed if I'll cut back on my reading time!
Just get used to feeling dizzy, I guess !
All good... or good enough :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

Friday, July 2, 2021

not me, -- but not good

There's an email this morning. A friend is in hospital. He's had a stroke. It's surprising how much that upsets me.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

how tired?

We're out for a training run. I'm taking it easy. Perhaps not easy enough.

A man watches me as I walk uphill towards him.

Are you okay? he asks. Would you like to sit down?

Okay... I'm moving slowly. I didn't think that I'm looking *that* exhausted :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

One joy scatters a hundred griefs" ... Chinese proverb


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)