I can't remember when I last posted.
Things have happened... nothing serious... I've just been lazy.
Current cancer status: No change.
At least, no change that I can notice. My next scan will be in the middle of October. So, till then -- or till a couple of weeks after that when I get the results -- I'm fine.
Physical: My only problem is still that I'm half-blind, can't see anything on my left. This prevents me from driving. It also makes me unsteady on uneven surfaces, I can't see where my left foot will land.
Mental: I claim that I'm okay, I can do crosswords, but who am I to judge.
Emotional: I get angry easily, I may have always been like that. I'm less worried about potential death by cancer than I was, I'm now old enough that all sorts of things could kill me and no-one would be surprised. I'm quite happy that I have nothing debilitating.
Orienteering -- and any off-track rogaining -- are now beyond me. I followed Deb on an "Easy" course, I had to give up, I could not get through the bush: could not see placing my left foot and could not see bushes at face level.
But on the other major topic for this blog: holidays -- I'm causing trouble :-(
Deb wanted to walk the Routeburn in NZ. There's no way I could do it -- there's said to be a steep and rocky downhill, down-mountain -- down is worse than up.
Deb thought, there's a nice three-day walk in Tassie. I read about "rocky scrambles" on two of the days. So that walk is also beyond me.
I'm happy to not do these walks. But if I can't do it -- Deb does not want to do it. That upsets me.
So we'll try a short break in the SW, with some day walks.
My half-vision stops me driving, that's annoying. Now it's interfering with Deb's holidays, that's worse than annoying :-( Oh well.
Meanwhile: my phone app: I paid a developer. He got the app into the Apple and Android stores, I was really pleased.
Within a couple of months both Apple and Android have changed their minimum requirements... Too bad, the developer has moved on. If the standards are enforced retrospectively, the apps will disappear. Which is a real pain -- I'm helping set a rogaine which was going to use the app.
The rogaine will run on paper, app-free. I'm still very glad that I actually had a full working app... even if only for a few months.
Now I'm learning yet another coding language and will attempt to re-write the app -- in a format that will not need Apple or Android stores. So there :-) Writing code is very satisfying. When it works it's an almost sexual thrill... look out Deb :-)
I'll finish this post. There's a letter I need to write. A few hours learning and coding. Look for accommodation for our SW break. Maybe get to bed before the sun comes up.
Tell you what, having nothing to do takes up a lot of time.