on Saturday we drive to Donnybrook.
Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.
As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you
what can i say? i can't remember much detail. pleasant bush on either side, karri forest and other forest and... bush. and farm paddocks. some gravel roads, mostly good bitumen. an enjoyable drive despite my short memory.
then, Donnybrook. we have lunch in the pub. another delicious pub steak.
we wander round town a bit. then to the motel. where we check in and... relax.
it's a standard motel. small, clean, comfortable. every few hours we hear a noisy truck pass along the highway, otherwise it's very quiet.
next day, Sunday: continental breakfast in our room, the toast is rather nice "seed" bread.
we pack and leave.
deb thinks we may as well take the fast and furious forrest highway, we end up on the far more interesting SW highway. stop for coffee and cake in Waroona.
then back to the freeway and... home.
deb clears leaves from the front lawn, a neighbour tells us that it was red tailed black cockies chewing twigs and leaves off our lemon scented gums. nice cockies.
i count that we found eleven geocaches, a good haul.
we go out to buy some food. wash some clothes. generally settle back into home routines.
a good holiday, good to be home.
Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.
As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you