Friday, May 20, 2016

2016-05-19 Thursday: leaving Ireland


We Pack, Eat, Say Farewell and Fly
It's an Easy Flight to Dubai
It's an Easy Flight to Perth


Stream of Consciousness

We Pack, Eat, Say Farewell and Fly

Pat makes porridge for breakfast. Interesting... We usually have milk and sugar with our porridge. I know that Scots will have salt. Terry and Pat have jam, no milk. Works for me! Then I keep eating... the last of their bread, as toast. (And the homemade marmalade is nice.)

We are packed, ready to go. There's rain, to make us sorry to leave Ireland :-)

We say our farewells, it's been good. And Pat takes us to the airport.

Pat drives us to the airport. She's flying to London, so is also going to the airport. Terry stays at home, to look after himself for a few days... With less bread than he may have anticipated.

The rain gets heavier. The motorway makes it a straight drive but there's quite a bit of traffic. As we arrive at the airport the rain is just a light shower... By the time we take off for Dubai -- the rain has cleared. Just a bit of rain to let us know that we really were in Ireland!

It's an Easy Flight to Dubai

For the two flights to get home, I've made sure that I'm in an aisle seat. Enough of being stuck in place by a stranger  in the outside seat! We find our seats -- and discover that I had managed find a set of just two seats! (So long ago, I have forgotten.) So Deb has a window and I have an aisle. Brilliant! Especially since the start of this leg has a view -- climbing out of Dublin -- that is worth seeing.

We're sitting quite near the back. Just a few rows forward of the rear toilets. All very convenient :-)

I read a few chapters of my new business book. Solve a couple of puzzles from a newspaper. Start reading The Three Body Problem on my tablet. Start a game on the plane's entertainment system. That locks up so I read some more. Deb listens to music and stories.

Takeoff was delayed but we arrive at Dubai with plenty of time to drink coffee, eat a snack bar, board the next plane.

It's an Easy Flight to Perth

Now we're in the air on our way home to Perth... very early morning Irish time, we've missed a good night's sleep. Early morning Dubai time, we changed planes a couple of hours after midnight. And late morning Perth time... My! How time flies :-)

We've eaten breakfast. We'll have lunch before arrival... And be home this evening.

And "this evening" will be Friday... We left Ireland after lunch on Thursday (the date of this journal entry) and will land in Perth late afternoon Friday.

And if there are no more entries... We're home, relaxing. (Or, more likely, taking it easy at the rogaine that we have entered, on the Saturday.)

It's been a great holiday!

Thank you for reading all about it :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Agamedes Consulting

"Today is your day ! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way."    — Dr. Seuss

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