Wednesday, June 7, 2023

home and chaos

When you want to know how far you are from another place, the most meaningful measure is, time. As in, it's so far away that it would take me an hour to walk there.
By that measure, around the lake is ten percent further than it was a month ago.
The temperature is bitterly cold, as it was in England. The rain has passed over, there is a dry patch. The day is overcast but bright. I have no excuse.
I go round the lake. Eight slow km. Not so much a training run. More a staving off of the inevitable decline.
Once started, it's warm enough. That's the beauty of our climate, it's never too cold to run in shorts and tee shirt.
We've come home from English summer to Perth winter and the weather is much the same.
It's good to be out and about.

Near the end of the loop is a large pile of sand. Perhaps twenty metres high, something to do with future road building.
It's a good marker, when I see it I know I'm almost finished.
Except that today I run on past it. A combination of not thinking, and the blasted thing is on my left. Invisible.

We're home to chaos. A favourite aunt is sick. Luckily she recently got a mobile phone because she's not at home to answer her home phone.
We're barely home when the grandkids stay overnight. Deb does most of the looking after, I shelter behind the couch.
Today, our hot water fails. Deb has a very quick cold shower. I boil a kettle and use a sponge.

I have a surprising number off photos to sort through. Deb points out that a lot of them include a thumb. She's right... even now I don't immediately see the thumb--on the left of the picture. dratted blind side.

Deb's phone has a UK Sim, it works in England but not here. What happened to the Australian Sim?
Deb goes to a "phone ninja". He opens the phone and... the Sim is stuck on the inside back.
A good place for it. If we had known. If replacing a Sim was something we could do by ourselves.
All fixed and working now.

End of chaos. I hope :-)


Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


If everyone is thinking the same way, then someone is not thinking.


  1. 8 K is a good walk. Well beyond me.

  2. G'day Nick, an entertaining travelogue. Overall it sounds like it was an enjoyable trip, welcome back. If/when we ever get back to visit the U.K. we'll call on you as a travel guide 😉
