Thursday, January 11, 2024

walking home

Deb doesn't trust me out of her sight, she thinks I'll get lost. We've
set up our phones so Deb can see my location on Google Maps.
Walking home from Kings Park is okay: I just need to leave Kings Park,
walk down Bagot Rd to Selby, catch the bus, I'll be home, no worries.
Or I can get to Cambridge St, catch the 92 bus, I've done that before.

I leave Kings Park.,walk down Bagot. Past a familiar shopping centre
which tells me where I am.
So I walk down Rokeby.
I check Google Maps on my phone. My dodgy vision means that Maps makes
no sense to me.

. I'm surprised when I pass the shopping centre again. I walk down
Rokeby again. Find Bagot again, realise that I've turned round, I am
now going back towards Kings Park.. Deb phones, I no longer show up on
Google Maps. Strange.

I manage to get to Cambridge St, walk along looking for a bus stop for
the number 92 bus. No luck. Later, Deb finds that the 92 no longer
No worries. I finally find Selby. Use a public toilet. As I come out a
bus passes, I'm too far away, I miss it.
I walk the rest of the way home.

So yes, it takes me three hours and 10km for a five km trip. But I
make it. Finally. No worries.
I can navigate by myself. I don't know why Deb worries :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

"Knowing the direction doesn't mean you have to go." ...

...Dying for you to Read my blog

... (


  1. Well done. You are still very fit

  2. G'day Nick, have you thought of bread crumbs (preferably of the inedible kind) or a really, really long piece of string?
