Tuesday, May 7, 2019

some high & low lights

just one short iv drip this week, no problems. my white cell count is 5.1, good. platelets (?) are a bit low but acceptable. so i get the monday bleomycin drip.

and sleep a lot.

over the past week or so:

the usual restless sleeping. wake every hour or two to pee. wake up damp with sweat. i'm learning to wake up damp rather than sleeping till i'm soaking, so that's good :-) the cancer doc offers a drug or two against sweating, i decline. i've been a sweaty sleeper -- whenever i'm feeling a bit crook -- for at least 30 years, seems a bit late to worry now.

i've also spent many years as a snorer. a very occasional snorer. deb tells me that i talk more than i snore. this last week i snore... a lot... especially when i lie on my side facing deb. so i try to face the other way. does it help? not sure, my snoring doesn't (often) wake me up. my guess: i'm bloating with fluid retention, sinus area is also bloating, something there does feel full of fluid (ok, snot), it causes me to snore. somehow.

my appetite is affected, a lot of food tastes odd. can't finish a cup of tea or coffee. my digestion works well but with a lot of farting. when i sleep i turn away from deb due to my snoring, not sure if she would rather i turn back to point the farting away... hmmm.

this week: i have stopped bloating, even lost a couple of kilos. the sinus is now feeling clear, empty. deb tells me i'm no longer snoring. appetite is still not normal but farting has stopped... well, is back to normal levels :-) phew... lucky deb!

one more drip then it will be time for my regular scans.

i check the email from the cancer doc secretary, to add the scan date to my diary. she has booked me for the wrong type of scan. sheesh, lucky i look. i've replied, saying eh?! get it sorted out... that'll be june sometime for both scans. almost time to start worrying :-)

====    Dr Nick Lethbridge  /  Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Life is like riding a bicycle. When you fall off you get right back on  and wobble into traffic, causing jams by getting in the way of more successful people who own cars." … Pardon my Planet

dying for you to read my blog: notdotdeaddotyet.blogspot.com.au :-)

1 comment:

  1. No more snoring or farting. Well at least until next time.
