Friday, May 29, 2020

just a bit restless

I'm a bit restless. Doing this and that, mostly to take my mind off this afternoon's scan. Well, no, not the scan... To take my mind off the *results* of the scan. Nowadays, I barely flinch at the thought of the scan -- the machine is fun though I still don't like the cannula.

Yesterday we were shopping. I get a sudden pain in the ball of my foot, as though I'm treading on a cut. The soles of my feet are still numb. Sometimes my feet itch. Sometimes they sting.

If I have my docs right: The cancer doc says, it can take months for the nerve damage to fade. The GP doc says, Umm, well... in a way that clearly means, it will never fade.

This is the first time that walking has hurt. I hobble round, getting as much sympathy as possible from Deb. When I get home I find a small thorn in my sock... Oh well, one problem solved :-)

I'm not sure if Deb knows that my scan is on Friday. I'm avoiding the topic -- don't think about it & I won't worry about it :-) Perhaps Deb is working on the same principal?

It comes up in conversation. No, Deb thought that my scan would be next week. Surprise! The timing looks good: I should be scanned and out on time to pick up Deb from work.

This morning I'm restless. Not so much worried. More occupying myself so that I will not worry.

I work on my app. A major step forward last night, undoing it all this morning. Progressing -- but not last night.

I'll wear track pants for the scan -- the MRI doesn't like metal, there's no metal in the track pants. I do a load of washing.  May as well wear clean track pants for my rare visits to the outside world :-)

I eat lunch. The daily crossword is too easy. It's early but I may as well check for letters. There's a crack of thunder, drenching rain. Maybe I won't check for letters.

I don't want to do more coding or reading, either activity is too addictive, I'd be rushed when I leave. I have a shower. Write this post. Still restless.

I may as well leave early. Spend time finding somewhere to park. Sit in their reception area (testing the hand sanitiser).

Time to... get ready... to go.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved
"No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway." … per Ginger Meggs
Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

Friday, May 8, 2020

picture this

NB: This post is about three scans in Jan & Feb -- several months ago... It's taken me a long time to write about them. As for "now" -- I'm between scans therefore healthy :-) ... at least till the end of this month.

So, a picture is worth a thousand words? My own pictures seem to generate a thousand words of their own. Mostly incomprehensible words.

My last three scans generated a lot of excitement. What I mean is, worry. A new shadow on the brain, is it a new tumour? No it's not... Phew.

At the meeting with the cancer doc -- having found out that I am all clear -- I pick up a copy of the three scan reports. It's about time that I blog the actual results.

Scan one, MRI of brain:
Key points:

... "Increased signal intensity in the white matter of the right posterior temporal occipital lobe." I think that means, there are bad signs on the right of the brain.

... "Opinion: There is an increase in the white matter change... A cap of contrast enhancement... well away from the tumour resection zone consistent with tumour recurrence."
Which may mean that there is a potential new tumour but it's not where a new tumour is expected.

So, not a probability but a possibility. Enough to cause worry. Enough to get me lined up for another scan.

Scan two, just days later, PET of whole body:

Key points:

... "Head & Neck: There is only mild prominence of activity in the new enhancing lesion on MRI in the trigone of the right lateral ventricle." Which may mean that if it's a tumour it's not much of a tumour.

... "There is relatively reduced brain activity elsewhere..." Tough but fair "... associated with vasogenic oedema on MRI." Oh, I see, the reduced activity means less sign of an active new tumour.

... "Musculoskeletal: ... There is now less prominent degenerative activity around the left shoulder." My previous PET scan showed shoulder damage. I blamed RSI / OOS so changed my PC work posture. This PET shows that my changes worked. Amazing!

... "Interpretation: ... There is mildly increased FDG activity at the site of the likely tumour recurrence..." Which must relate to the "only mild prominence of activity" in the head & neck. I guess.

Scan three: MRI of brain, one month later

Key points:

... "Clinical history: Right Parietal GBM radiotherapy 2007."  Well, 2017 actually. I'm sure that doesn't affect the conclusion.

... "The transverse dimension is identical ... with the previous imaging... No remote gliomatosis is identified." Nothing changed, nothing new. That's good news.

... "Conclusion: ... is thought to be related to treatment related phenomenon rather than progressive viable tumour." So there's the good news, damaged by the treatment :-)

There's a heap of medical jargon... some of it makes sense... knowing already what it means. Luckily the general thrust of it is interpreted for me.

Having held those pages for a couple of months I think it's time to file them with the other cancer-related paperwork. Except... I have already thrown out all earlier paperwork.

I know what cancers I have. I follow doctor's "suggestions". There's no need to read and understand all the fine medical details. Anyway, it can be depressing :-) And the doc holds all the originals. Let her be depressed...

The bulk of the paperwork was bills. Which are even less interesting than medical analyses. I did once add up the cost -- but it was paid, after that it is irrelevant.

I've finally "dealt with" these scan analyses. Interesting, yes. Worth keeping? no. Time to finally file them... out of sight, out of mind. Not immediately but later, in the bin.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved
"No sense being pessimistic. It wouldn't work anyway." … per Ginger Meggs
Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

Sunday, May 3, 2020


==> cancer

Deb and I run, following a training plan. Deb runs to keep fit, keeping fit is better than not. Why do I run? What's the point?

First, I enjoy running. Well, most days. Second, I believe that being somewhat fit helped me to bounce back from surgery. In the expectation of further surgery -- it's worthwhile being fit. Not that I am particularly fit, even compared to myself of several years ago.

Being fit may have helped me bounce back from drugs. It was a pretty low bounce.

Third, of course... I'm in training for the cradle mountain run. It was an impossible goal several years back. It's no less likely now.

See that line at the top? For those who wonder, How is my current attitude to my disease of the week? that's the relevant bit. If that's all you want... read no more. I'm about to ramble.

==> coronavirus

Deb and I go running in various parks and suburbs. The effects of coronavirus on parks, is interesting.

Carparks are crowded. More people than usual -- specially on weekdays -- are driving to a park so that they can go for a walk. Or a cycle.

Park walks are crowded with walkers. And cyclists. Especially families. Just the same number of joggers though. Lawns and picnic areas are empty -- until today. Today restrictions are loosened. There are more people having a picnic.

In Kings Park, Deb and I park where several foot tracks are conveniently close. With twenty parking spaces we expect three quarters to be empty. Further down the road is a cafe, very few parking spaces there.

Thanks to coronavirus there are more people in the park for a walk, less for coffee. Our favourite parking area is far more crowded. Thanks to takeaway coffee the cafe parking is as crowded as ever. Even when the lawns are empty of picnickers.

Children's playgrounds are closed. We pass empty playgrounds. No sounds of children shouting as they play. It's a sad sound of silence.

At the end of a run -- cooling down -- we pick up rubbish. Only at Bold Park, our "home" park for running. We like to look after our home park -- and there are plenty of rubbish bins near where we park. It's a pleasant park but, at night, it's popular with druggies and others who drop takeaway wrappers and home made bongs.

We are a bit careful of what we pick up. No used tissues, for example.

In these days of coronavirus... we pick up nothing.

Nick Lethbridge / Agamedes Consulting
"Metaphors be with you" … Ginger Meggs