Sunday, February 12, 2023

no change -- all good :-)

It's been a while since my last post. Nothing to worry about. Just nothing happening.
Nothing relevant anyway.

My app is on the apple app store !
Look for pwMapApp
Then look for instructions. Which will be on a blog. Also called pwMapApp:-)
Don't look yet... I'm slow getting started. Also -- may as well wait till the app is also on the android play store, that should be in a week or two. I hope.

I'm as well as ever. Still complaining about my vision. The only serious effect is that I can't drive, that's a real pain, very limiting.
(And my typing can be erratic.)

I'm as unfit as ever. But well enough to do something about that. Deb and I still go running a few times a week. I sometimes add an extra run round the lake. That's less than 8km, it takes me an hour 20, my target is less than an hour :-)

It's a single track round the lake. With a few places where a smaller  track goes off to the side. I still get lost.
I just jog along, relaxing, not thinking. Then I realise that I can't remember the last turn... nothing looks familiar... I'm lost. So I only run in places with a distinct boundary, I may be lost but I know I'm still in the general area, I can eventually get back again.
It's a matter of re-learning places that were once familiar. I'm getting there!

Another couple of weeks till my next brain scan. So, till then, I'm well :-)

Each scan comes with an emotional up-and-down. Down as I start to worry then up once the results are in. The next scan comes with a different up and down:
... I book the scan for end of Feb. At the same time, I think about the scan after that. If the Feb scan is good then the next scan will be May. We are going away in May. Should I have an early scan, so I am "clear" when we go away? I'm having to think further ahead than usual.
... This gives me a new ... emotional ... downer:
It reminds me, I am facing a *series* of scans. (I hope)
Not just one scan followed by treatment then recovery.
I will have a series of scans -- until my brain explodes.
My brain is a time-bomb, sooner or later it will explode. There is treatment but there is no recovery...

This worries me.
Then it doesn't.
It's just a reminder: my cancer is terminal.
But there is no definite date. Five years so far -- four years more than Deb and I originally expected.
It's a worry. It struck me as a new sort of worry. But the situation is the same... A scan every three months, till something happens. Then plan for a shorter time.

So it's back to enjoying life -- three months at a time :-)

I just had a deeply philosophical thought:
My cancer is terminal. But then -- so is life *without* cancer.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Yesterday I knew nothing. Today I know that." ... per Ginger Meggs

Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. 8k is a great effort regardless of your time.
