Wednesday, March 22, 2023

kings park

It's 8am and I'm standing in Kings Park.
The weather is beautiful. The park is fresh and damp and green.
I'm thinking, Why would anyone go anywhere else :-)

So, I decide, I may as well see how easy it is to post to this blog -- from the phone... with a photo.
The answer, as it turns out is -- not easy at all.

Still... a few tries... and here it is.
Not a great photo.
The phone camera has no viewfinder, I can either see what I'm doing or stop everything and get out my reading glasses. So what I take is hit and miss.
There's a lot of path, isn't there ?

Take my word for it -- it's a beautiful morning :-)
I have to fix the post, add this text, from a "real" device, the PC at home.

Still, live and learn... I may get better. I'll have to... I plan to post a photo or two while we're away. Maybe.

I take the photo. Manage to post it (but with no text) and I have to move.
There's a tractor-driven lawn mower. He pulls up behind me... and honks his horn.
Really. I have to move.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper


The word "boobs" is so scary until you get to the second "b". (Alfred E. Neumann

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