Saturday, March 11, 2023

All well, quiet times

it's been a long time between posts... which means... nothing much happening :-)
Nothing bad, certainly.

Deb and I have settled into a pattern of orienteering training. I can't navigate -- but I can follow. So, once or twice a week we follow an orienteering map. Deb follows the map, I follow Deb. Deb practices her navigation, we both enjoy the exercise. win - win... though our speed would not win an actual event :-)

My app is live. pity no-one uses it.
A rogaine was cancelled, an opportunity to provide a quick substitute, use my app to manage a replacement event. for various reasons, some reasonable, nothing happened. rather disappointing.

we leave for England in six or seven weeks. there are some preparations to be made. one thing is to be ready to post to this blog. actual holiday posts :-) I need to be sure that my relatively new Apple tablet will work. For example, can I type an email to become a blog post?
I was using a mail client which inserts hidden characters in the text. This can really mess up the post. So I'm trying a new mail client. Using it now, in fact. It may not work well, but I'll find out what goes wrong. So I can work round or avoid problems. Maybe :-)

Every so often the tablet locks them restarts. Cheap Apple junk (except it was not cheap :-(
That's a fault I have to live with.

This post is using the different mail client. So far so good. As long as it posts okay.

I'm reading up on some of the towns we will be visiting, mostly reading Wikipedia. Only trouble is... it's fascinating...

I start reading... follow an interesting link... then another link... and get, as they say, lost in hyperspace. So much interesting stuff to read:-)

we're keeping busy, low level stuff. Such as a morning at Sculptures by the Sea. I notice that I enjoy it much more this year than I have for the last couple... due to a generally positive feeling, I suspect.
But I can still complain :-) 
I've had a couple of dizzy spells. It feels as though the solid ground is swaying like a boat at sea. it's old stuff, inner ear problem caused, usually, by staring too long at a screen... like now. I just watch my step, keep moving, it clears.
And... phew, I'm tired all the time. But that's okay, i have plenty of time too sleep. And I claim that I'm tired due to exercise.

So nothing exciting. Which is all good :-)

Nick Lethbridge
consulting Dexitroboper

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