Monday, August 14, 2023

not worried, just...

The Sunday paper has a story of a bloke who died of "my" cancer. It took him ten years, two operations and chemo. I've had only half of that (and I'm still alive.) With no tumour-caused symptoms.
The ABC news has a story of a woman who was a key player in dealing with covid. She has now died of brain cancer. Aged 70.
These stories don't so much worry me as... make me think. Remind me of what's in my brain.
Also reminds me that one type of cancer has many different effects.
My tumour was in the vision part of my brain. Not good but... it could be worse.
No worries, eh :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Too many people consider themselves open-minded when they're really just empty-headed. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Wednesday, August 9, 2023

tech hurrah

Posts to this blog are posted via email.
When the blog is a travel journal, emails are sent from a tablet.
The latest tablet was the crapple: absolute latest model Apple tablet. It never worked.

A couple of months ago I had to send a quick email to Deb. The crapple was close, I started typing the email. The crapple claimed to be overheated... and crashed.
I gave it time to cool off. Retyped the email. The crapple crashed. Again.
I opened the door and tossed the crapple into the garden. It stopped working. I cheered up.
Later, the crapple still did not work. Would not even start. It is now out of the house. Out of mind, except for this final hurrah.
I am much happier.

Now my "travel" device is a laptop. Clunky, awkward, weighs a lot more, cost a lot less -- and it works.
Yes, it has problems. Some annoying software.
I have *never* been so disgusted that I want to throw it away.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


Wednesday, August 2, 2023

strange dreams

in one dream I should be busy but I'm embarrassed because I'm not getting anything done. Until I wake up and realise that... there's a lot I should be doing.
I've been under the weather for a few days (no excuse) and now... I get out of bed and get busy.

I register us for two short fun runs. A Sat and Sun. So I also book somewhere to stay, for a weekend away. One thing now done :-)

We're considering a walking holiday at the end of the year. We're almost decided but... I need to start actual planning.
At the end of this month we're registered for a rogaine. I lost or did not get the link which will tell us where to go. I pass that one to Deb to follow up.

Then there's my app. It's now a "working proof of concept". I need to, somehow, develop it further.
Meanwhile... I have volunteered to use the app to manage a rogaine. It should work. We'll also have paper backup, just in case.
The rogaine will also need (by November) more than 60 control locations. And a map. We, the setting team) have started but need to do a lot more. A lot more. I wake up, go downstairs, spend several hours (1am to 4am) doing some useful work.
A rogaine uses a map, I can't follow a map, this should be interesting. My approach is non-standard, a lot of the work is done on the PC. There will still be many days required in the field, visiting each control site. I can't drive so, getting to control sites is another challenge :-)
Both dreaming and awake -- I know I have a lot to do.

Another night, I dream that I am at a party. Hundreds of people crowded in. I chat to two people, both are pop music stars. Nice people, I think.
The explanation of this dream is simple: My dreaming mind is controlled by a stranger who enjoys parties, crowds and popular music.

There was a veterans run round our lake. Today, I run round our lake. My time is a few minutes faster than the 85 year old veteran :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)
