Wednesday, August 9, 2023

tech hurrah

Posts to this blog are posted via email.
When the blog is a travel journal, emails are sent from a tablet.
The latest tablet was the crapple: absolute latest model Apple tablet. It never worked.

A couple of months ago I had to send a quick email to Deb. The crapple was close, I started typing the email. The crapple claimed to be overheated... and crashed.
I gave it time to cool off. Retyped the email. The crapple crashed. Again.
I opened the door and tossed the crapple into the garden. It stopped working. I cheered up.
Later, the crapple still did not work. Would not even start. It is now out of the house. Out of mind, except for this final hurrah.
I am much happier.

Now my "travel" device is a laptop. Clunky, awkward, weighs a lot more, cost a lot less -- and it works.
Yes, it has problems. Some annoying software.
I have *never* been so disgusted that I want to throw it away.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Also, there's lots of competition for handicapped parking. (Alfred E. Neuman)


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