Tuesday, September 26, 2023

app-y dreams

I spend a few hours re-writing (again) my app. No idea whether or not it'll ever work but it's a lot of fun.
Then I dream... that the app is working! Well, that was easy :-) Pity it's just a dream.
Another dream: I'm driving and the brakes don't work. My dreams never hurt me, I just cruise to a stop, walk to a garage. If dreams are significant then this one tells me that I have a lot to do, a long way to go, going fast -- not able to stop. That's an interpretation that I like :-)
While awake... I'm at the tail end of a cold, I sleep and eat my way to recovery. If not for the cold I would eat and sleep anyway. I don't mind the sleep but I don't like the way the weight still creeps up. But I do enjoy eating :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper

Too many people consider themselves open-minded when they're really just empty-headed. (Alfred E. Neuman)


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