Wednesday, November 29, 2023

northcliffe and pemberton

we start the day with a walk. out the front door of our cottage, across the paddock and we are on the munda bidi. which soon connects with the bibb track.
we walk the track through forest, mostly karri. just a few wildflowers still looking pretty.
we reach Shafers Hut on the bibb. there's a very large pool of water, safe for swimming near the edge, we keep out. it looks tempting but i don't swim.
we follow the track a bit further, to a solid gate. it's easy to pass but we have walked enough, we turn back.

we see a few small birds flitting around. some birds are calling in the sings a few notes, another just chirps. it's all very pleasant.
look ahead, on the track, i whisper to deb, it's an emu. he jogs away, no rush, legs pacing, body swaying side to side. we love it.

back at our cottage. we've walked about 45 minutes. slowly, still tiring. the day is cool but muggy. now we relax.

we drive to the pemberton pub for lunch, a hearty meal.

we visit The Cascades. there's water flowing but not much. call it the cascade, forget the last s.

we drive on to northcliffe.
there is not much here... lucky we are not looking for lunch, we don't see even a cafe. there's a general store, we buy drinks for now and chocolate for this evening. we buy the daily paper. deb says that i don't want to read the news (the usual misery and stupidity, i guess) so i don't

back at the cottage.
the owner drops by to say hello. doesn't stay too long. after our attempt to follow her directions to find the courage, i let deb do the talking, deb is polite.

i do the crossword from the paper, manage to finish even without having internet for cheating.

another good day, done.


Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

As Conan says: What does not kill you
does not kill you

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