Monday, December 4, 2017

was I too gloomy? sorry!

I've had some feedback on my previous post... It may have seemed to be a bit on the gloomy side. That was not intentional! Here's what I *meant* to say:

While I'm dying I demand as much sympathy as possible from everyone I meet... The final death scene may be unpleasant (or terribly over-acted:-) I hope not but if it is -- it will soon be over. For me. I then expect everyone else to miss me -- but get on with their own lives. I won't be worrying. No-one else should be worrying.

Don't worry. Be happy :-) And... So far, so good !


Speaking of worrying, though: Our grandson & I are sharing a cold. He started it! Poor lad is feverish -- and off his food. Which, for him, is really serious :-( I'm sorting myself out by sleeping 20 hours a day. Toddlers don't seem to be able to do that. Poor boy.


How can anyone stand having a shaved head ?! It's so *cold* !

I still have a circle of bald on one side of my head. Deb thinks it looks embarrassing so I've had my head shaved (again) to match the bald spot. Maybe all the hair will regrow... though I do rather like my current look. Not really shaved, but definitely a number ... two, possibly.

Meanwhile, I wear a wool beanie which I bought forty years ago. On our honeymoon. It's a fairisle (or something) fisherman's beanie. After forty years... many cold rogaines... occasionally being washed... it's more hole than whole. But it still keeps my head warm...

And -- on the bright side -- I save a lot of time by not having to brush my hair :-) Brilliant, eh?!

==== Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper / Flaneur
        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Give a man an inch and he'll think he's a ruler" … Agent 86


Now much more than a clever name for a holiday journal:

1 comment:

  1. Mate be as gloomy as you want. I reckon you are a tough bugger. Cheers Col
