Wednesday, January 23, 2019

up down up down... up

The last few weeks my mood has been up and down like a ventriloquist's yo-yo. Okay, that makes no sense -- but the expression came to mind and I like it :-)

I think my mood is a bit easy to knock down, due to lack of long-term clarity. Little things can upset me. Not to worry, I also bounce back quickly :-)

We now have a relatively long-term holiday plan, to go to Edinburgh to see the Military Tattoo. We have Tattoo tickets, nothing else is organised. I suspect that Deb does not believe that we will actually get there...

Me, I both doubt and don't doubt. After a couple of clear scans I can't see what could go wrong :-) On the other hand, the Tattoo is the other side of two more of my regular scans. Which way will the dice fall ? I'll book some accommodation and make sure that as much as possible can be cancelled at no cost.

Last weekend was hot. So hot that we decided to not go to Saturday orienteering. Then I went on a trail run on Sunday... Just over 10km, just over 400m climb. I was slower on this "short" course than I had been, in previous years, on the "long" course. Good news: I finished :-) Amazing news: I was faster than another ten people. Very satisfying.

I may have mentioned: a leftover effect of (I believe) the chemo drugs is that my digestive system is slightly stuffed. After a short run in a local park where I had to dash into the bushes half way round... I am very careful to go to the toilet before I start running.

Three times before this run. And I mean three lots of poo, not just pee, in the hour before the run. None of this annoyingly unspellable diarrhea, either. On the bright side -- no need to dash into the bushes during the run. Not that I could have "dashed" anywhere...

Despite all that, despite the exhaustion after (and during) the run -- I do enjoy trail running :-) Almost disappointed that it's a few weeks till the next.

I do notice the pins & needles feeling on the soles of my feet. It's there when I run and takes a while to fade when I stop running. Not enough to affect my ability to run, it just feels... funny. Not really sensitive, just funny.

There are a whole lot of things that I need to document, so Deb can find out how to -- for example -- pay bills. I made a start, months ago, it didn't get very far. For one thing, even I had trouble understanding what I had written.

I've started again. Documented a few of the easier bill-paying processes. I'm trying to document each bill as it comes in. I'm amazed how many bill we pay!

Fitness: still working on it. Health: quite good, really. Mind: seems to be working okay. Mood: cheerful with occasional snatches of low-level gloom.

Holiday: time to plan and book... :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"If it's stupid but it works, it's not stupid." … Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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