Wednesday, November 6, 2019

age and decrepitude

In the following story, names have been changed to protect the identity of "Granpop". I am definitely *not* referred to as Granpop.

It's a solid day of minding the grandchild. Deb starts the day while "Granpop" stays at home. Doing whatever it is that keeps him busy at home. Several hours pass.

It's time for the toddler swimming lesson. "Granpop" joins Deb & the boy at the swimming pool. "Granpop's" role is -- after the formal lesson -- to splash in the pool with the boy. Not the best role, since "Granpop" is uncomfortable in water. He outright refuses to slide the slide into the pool. Still, it's an enjoyable hour.

Back home again. The boy has a brief nap. "Granpop" sits down -- and falls asleep. And sleeps for three or four hours.

"Do you enjoy it when "Granpop" looks after you?"
"Oh yes, it's great. Granpop sleeps and I do what I want." (Toddlers don't understand the role of quote marks.)

Luckily Deb is there to, as usual, do the heavy lifting. "Granpop" (no, definitely not my name) sleeps on, regardless.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Choice, not chance, determines your destiny" … Aristotle


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