Monday, November 11, 2019


Phew! what a way to spend a Sunday morning -- jogging for 90 minutes in Kings Park. Then -- when I misjudge where I am -- jogging quite fast for another ten minutes, to get back to where Deb & I are to finish.

Okay, enough bragging :-)  Anyway... Deb also runs 90 minutes in Kings Park. My deal is not so great. Though it does give me time for thinking, and I think of an analogy:

Friendship is like a hedge between properties. Both neighbours water the hedge, prune it, occasionally replant a bit. Both neighbours occasionally feed the hedge with manure. And the hedge thrives and grows strong.

Just like friendship: two sides providing water, pruning, replanting and occasional manure. Brilliant, eh?

Then I go and add more significance, greater breadth of analogy, do the whole thing to death. I won't go into detail, just believe me, it's a great analogy. And it's a long ninety minutes.

At the swimming pool with our grandson I confirm something: My feet may be numb but they are also sensitive.

My toes have lost some sensitivity. Then, when I climb up and down a ladder -- in and out of the pool -- ouch! it hurts! Those narrow metal rungs push painfully onto the soles of me feet.

Not to worry. I struggle manfully up and down the ladder. Never complaining. After all, Deb is other on other side of the pool, she wouldn't hear me, so no use complaining, drat :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

"Choice, not chance, determines your destiny" … Aristotle


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

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