Friday, January 24, 2020

on hold

So now I'm on hold. Nothing certain for the next six weeks.

The PET scan shows high sugar take-up in the blotch area. This -- to me -- gives a high probability to it being a new tumour. The possibility that the blotch is radiation necrosis is a nice thought but I'm not depending on it. The radiation specialist supports the idea so I classify its odds as being better than "wishful thinking".

Essentially I'm "between scans" again but with the extra negative implications of "the blotch". So it's business as usual: enjoying life... six weeks at a time :-)

Speaking of enjoying life: today Deb and I look after our grandson for several hours. He runs round non-stop for several hours then seems to fall asleep as we drive him home. Then wakes up as soon as he's home.. though he has, at least, slowed down.

While grandson runs riot, Deb walks round with him, keeping him company. Deb is sunburnt, tired, now asleep. I sat and watch the bags, I am now tired and ready for bed. An exhausting -- and very enjoyable -- day for everyone :-)

Nick Lethbridge  /  consulting dexitroboper
"I took out a loan to pay for an exorcism. If I don't pay it back, I'm going to get repossessed." … Olaf Falafel

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