Monday, February 8, 2021

The things we do!

The things we do, Deb says, To avoid wearing a mask in public.

It's Saturday, it's raining, we're going orienteering -- which counts as "vigorous" exercise, so no need for masks. Of course we'd be going orienteering anyway, rain or shine, masks or not.

And the masks are on for everything except the running. Which, for me, is 75 minutes. Good fun, in the maze that is Claisebrook.

Then it's Sunday, it's raining again, we're running again.

Sunday is a 90 minute run, we like to run on bush trails. We look at the bushfires... one favourite is burnt. We look at the weather -- rain and more rain -- and think, Kings Park is far enough away. More rain watching... we run in the nearest park with enough tracks to fill 90 minutes.

It's just rain, we enjoy the run. And it's "vigorous" -- so no need to wear a mask. The rules are almost sensible :-)

A couple of weeks ago, my back and shoulders ached. It comes of a life spent sitting at a PC or sitting with a book. So I'm back to doing some light exercise: moving dumbbells round for an hour, a couple of times a week. No more aching shoulders. Just tired muscles.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
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I'd rather be super rich than completely stupid... Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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