Friday, March 12, 2021

another near-clear scan

So I get a call from our own deep-ENT. The MRI analysis is "reassuring".

Deb and I see the doc. We are already reassured :-) I'm not sure just how reassured the doc is... It's her job to see -- and hopefully help me avoid -- the worst.

The shadow on the MRI has grown. There is some swelling around it. But -- the key analysis claims -- it is not a tumour.

Still, better safe than sorry. (Is that right? Is there any "safe"?! Anyway...)

I had forgotten about the required PET scan -- until I was phoned... a couple of days ago. Too late to be scanned before seeing the doc. The doc says, get the PET, it provides a more definite picture of a tumour. Plus another MRI in two months... Getting closer and closer together !

Deb and I are reassured but, of course, reassured only until the next scans :-)

I phone Charlies and arrange the next PET scan, a couple of weeks away. The doc's secretary is setting up the MRI, it'll be in May.

Sooo... The shadow has grown. Indications are that yes, it's radiation necrosis, a known -- not cancerous -- side-effect of radiation therapy. Still watching, just in case. (That is, in case the diagnosis is wrong!)

The affected brain area does... nothing important. From our deep-ENT:

The shadow is in the "parieto-occipital". Controlling vision and ... some weird things. "Awareness of self"? Which sounds interesting... So far google has only found "self-awareness" which sounds a bit different.

The cancer doc offers a clear diagnosis: If I show any symptoms then the shadow is having effects. Hmmm. So it is harmless -- unless it is not :-)

The kids have already pointed out that I act weird.

So overall: all is fine. With the usual proviso: fine so far :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

All we can do is what we can do... Leonard Barrens in The Forever Watch


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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