Monday, March 22, 2021

joy of shopping

I sometimes laugh at people who claim to enjoy shopping. People who get pleasure just from buying things. People who feel sad when they are not able to shop.

Time to apologise... Or at least to accept that joy of shopping is possible.

Deb & I go shopping on Thursdays. My role is to push the trolley. Sometimes I am sent to get an item that we walked past and missed. It's good fun if only for the company.

On Mondays I drop Deb at work -- and do some shopping on the way home. All by myself. Picking up things which may have run out since Thursday. Including fresh fruit.

I don't eat much fruit. Deb eats a lot. I buy fruit which I think that Deb will like. (That's easy: any fruit :-)

When we're shopping together Deb will sometimes look at, for example, blueberries and say, that's very expensive. By myself I look at blueberries and say, Deb likes blueberries. So I buy them. Happily.

Other food too, not always for Deb. A small yoghurt for a snack. Interesting cheese. Just ... milk, cereal. Today, Worcestershire sauce and kitchen paper. Everyday shopping.

You know what? I enjoy it :-)

The pleasure of searching the shelves. Becoming familiar with the layout of the shop. Finding several similar items and choosing one.

The satisfaction of buying things that Deb says we need. Of buying other items that I have noticed are running low. (Though we sometimes end up with several spare jars of peanut paste.)

It's a lot of fun. And -- as I only slowly realised -- it is very satisfying.

I do the "mid-week" shopping. For grocery items which we will, eventually, use. I enjoy it. It has led me to appreciate the joy of shopping.

Shopping is just a small thing. It is not too difficult. It is very satisfying. I look forward to my independent shopping expeditions.

One of life's little pleasures.

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

I've never had bad luck. Just fits of stupidity... per Ginger Meggs


Dying for you to read my blog, at https: // notdotdeaddotyet .blogspot. com. au/ :-)

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