Monday, November 29, 2021

I am so brave :-)

PET-Scan-day today...

I wear my scan-pants. Track pants, actually, but special because I know that they contain no metal. No metal buttons, no metal zips (no buttons, zip at all). Guaranteed to not upset a scanning machine.

I wear my scan-shirt. This is just a polo shirt but with the motto "Enjoy life: three months at a time." Though the scans have lately been more often than that. Which doesn't matter -- as long as they show nothing.

This time I do not have the pre-scan worries... I think that a few actual visits to hospital have put the potential of a new tumour into perspective. I am more worried that my brain is flooding... But that will be checked at the next (CT) scan. Meanwhile: no worries :-)

Except that today's PET scan begins with a finger-prick, to test my blood sugar levels. Ouch :-( ... I barely whimper. Sugar levels are -- as usual -- perfectly healthy :-)

Next is insertion of a cannula into a vein. Ouch again :-)
I threaten to faint... but don't. Not even when the nurse says that my vein has collapsed... Is that serious? Who knows. But at least it's not *me* that has collapsed :-) There's a change of nurses. The new nurse just says hello -- and jabs. No warning... which works well... I'm still conscious.

The rest of the process is easy. Go here, rest here, wait, go there, lie down, get scanned. Then eat the free sandwich... Yum... I've been fasting for twelve hours.

I chat with an old bloke with prostate cancer.  He's pretty crook. His son died of brain cancer aged 37. I'm reminded of the trivial (so far) nature of my own cancer.

What does the scan show? We'll find out later in the week.

Home again. It's a beautiful day, I go for a walk. I'm still nervous round traffic -- or where there could be traffic. I'm gaining confidence on kerbs. I don't crash into any posts or trees. All good :-)

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
...        Agamedes Consulting / Problems ? Solved

There are no disasters, only opportunities. And, indeed, opportunities for fresh disasters." ... Boris Johnson


Dying for you to read my blog, at :-)

1 comment:

  1. I don't like the cannula being inserted after a trainee doctor butchered the process ( three attempts). Don't feel like fainting, just don't look forward to them.
