Tuesday, April 23, 2024

symptoms? not yet

so, I've analysed, and cleared my mind, in the previous post. now we wait a month.
although, as usual, the doc asked if I had any "symptoms". what sort? no idea -- depends on how my brain responds to growing damage.
now, while waiting a month --I continue to watch out for undefined symptoms.
possibilities, i decide, are falling over, like the first time, or further loss of vision.
perhaps i should mention dizziness, which comes and goes -- and existed long before my cancer -- or tension headaches from too much reading, or... nooo. I'll just wait and watch for... anything :-)
What all this does is to make me more reluctant than ever to go anywhere by myself.
I'm adapting to looking but not recognising where i am. i don't want to fall over. not when by myself. actually, even less when I'm out with deb.
i go out anyway, to familiar places -- and let deb worry till she sees me again.
btw: for years, and still, i worry when deb is out by herself. we both worry far too much.
and we carry on regardless. but not at all rewardless.
so far, so good :-)

Nick Lethbridge    /    Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting    /   Problems? Solved.

Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood

1 comment:

  1. Getting out is good. Keeps the mind and body active.
