Friday, November 3, 2017

radiation side-effect

Okay, a promised side-effect of radiation treatment is now... visible. I am losing hair. Where my head is being zapped. It's sort of "male pattern baldness" except that the bald patch is off to the side of my head. There should be a photo to show the bald area...

Deb thinks that it looks embarrassing. Deb is even more embarrassed by the alternative, my white towelling hat...

So, Thursday evening, I'm at the hairdresser having my hair shaved off. Not quite shaved: clipped at the closest clipper setting. I'm left with stubble. But stubble which is the same length all over :-)  I guess that if the zap area goes completely hairless, I'll have to shave my head to match. Which could be tricky. I can't see what I would be shaving.

I ask the hairdresser to be careful not to clip the scar. Turns out it is well healed so no worries. She hopes that whatever was cut out is now all cured, I say, no, not really, more treatment to come. I don't mention cancer, nor terminal. She laughs at my jokes... a bit more than they deserve, I suspect. 

Very short hair looked very different to my normal style. Shaved looks even more radical, I think it's because there's no longer an edge between hair and not-hair. I also think that the bald head makes it more obvious that my face is fatter... that I have put on noticeable weight in the last couple of months. Oh well :-( Deb is pleased :-)

We celebrate... something... by going out to dinner. To a restaurant in the same shopping centre as the hairdresser. It's very nice, we enjoy the meal. Deb notices that every male customer of my age or older -- half a dozen men -- is wearing a check shirt. Am I out of fashion... again ?!

Dr Nick Lethbridge / Consulting Dexitroboper
Agamedes Consulting / Problems? Solved.

"Philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it." ... Karl Marx


Now so much more than a simple holiday blog: :-)

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